Standards to Support Personalized Healthcare
ACMI Breakout,February 21, 2009
Jim Cimino, leader; Ken Goodman, scribe
Powerpoint file: Standards.ppt
Standards for
PHR, genomics, decision support (pts, providers)
Functional specs
Lay terminology > mapping rules > clinical terminology (and vice versa)
Preference descriptions, terminology
SNOMED additions/expansions
Develop standard data fields (pull-down menus, rollovers)
Symptoms, priorities, preferences, …
Pts rarely want to enter data > need simplicity
Functional, operational standards
Need to identify pt input as such (source of data)
Nonrepudiation, attribution
Need to control PHR-EHR conflict re pt alteration, hiding, deleting …
Meta-data to characterize data origin/source, reliability, accuracy
Annotation management
Clinical genetics from labs > EHRs models for updating DB with associations
Knowledge exchange between DBs
Knowledge representation
Disease-gene interaction; cf drug-drug interactions
Minimum info needed to characterize data
Knowledge maintenance and propagation
Preferred terms
CDS consortium
ONC to